Monday, March 24, 2014

Okay so I have neglected this blog, and a few hundred other things, but I'm here now, and after all life is tough for a disabled redneck. Its like being a Yugo, you're screwed no matter what. I promise from here on to tell the truth as I know it, and if you hate it, or love it I'd love to hear it. Entertainment comes cheap at this point.
Todays wisdom- anything easily given, is easily taken away.
We must never forget where we came from, it keeps us pointed where we are going. It is in fact perfectly legal to fly the Texas flag without the U.S. flag. This is not true in other states. Because Texas was an independant Republic before it was a state, We can proudly fly the Texas flag alone.
Enough for now, keep it short, and sweet.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have been paying attention to all the hoopla lately on the news, new movies, tv shows, etc. It comes to mind that with all the alien attack movies, all the- what the rich and powerful are doing, and most- what they think a mom did to her kid, mainstream america is becoming so occupied with whats going on "out there", we forget whats going on "in here".
Here is an experiment. Try sitting in your own living room, tv off, phone off, computer off, and try just being comfortable in your own mind. How long does it take before you have to turn on the tv, or the phone, or computer?
 It interests me to watch how people act in public. There are the strutters, the look-at-me's, the look at all my cool toys, the sneakers, the bull dozers, then there are the sheep. the sheep are the most humorous to watch. you know them, they get into a particular line at the grocery store just because the person in front of them did. I once had one follow me home, and try to pull in my driveway before realizing she had no idea why, or where. 
This comes to the hurricane a few years ago in Houston. When the evacuation was called, everyone hurried to get on the interstate, just so they could stop. For some, the hurricane danger came, and passed, and they've never left the interstate trying to get out. For others, it was pandemonium. There was a little mom, and pop grocery store with cars lined up for miles trying to get gas from an empty pump, every last item in the store sold, and two guys with shotguns behind locked doors keeping people out. I saw at least a thousand cars out of gas on the side of the road, people walking with blankets and kids trying to hitch a ride from the passersby.
So this is another plug for prepping. Most grocery stores keep a two day supply of food on hand. Thats two days normal purchasing. A panic run could empty even the largest supercenter in an afternoon. The warehouse keeps two or three days normal stock on hand, and thats if some government agency doesn't stop by and take over their supplies. It's happened before, and will happen again.
I would urge each of you not to get so wrapped up in cars,tv's,cells, and internet that you don't look around at what's going on in our own backyard. At the very least, a good supply of emergency food on hand will allow you to take advantage of the best sales.

Monday, May 2, 2011


We learned late last night that the terrorist leader osama bin laden was killed in a raid in pakistan. While this is great news, we must now be vigilant to the expected backlash of reprisal. We must be on our guard now more than ever, with every American on high alert for violence against us. I urge everyone I know to quickly look over disaster preperations, store a  few extra gallons of water, and a few extra cans of spam, and add them to our stores.  It is more important to be ready for trouble, and have none, than to be blindsided, and seek revenge later.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

No longer immune

It began with hinkley, making national headlines from Lubbock, Texas. Toss in a few blurbs on weather, and nothing for decades. We of the high plains of Texas tend to feel insulated from all the madness in the world, even though bad things happen in the world, they can't happen here, it just isn't done.
Today we have been shown we are not immune. A Saudi native is appearing in Federal Court in Lubbock, to answer charges of Terrorism. I suppose it is a cultural bias to beleive we are immune to all the evil in the world today, that once you are on the caprock, that invisible bubble protects you from far away evil.
I admit that when I walk to the edge of field of cotton, or look up at the night sky, the rest of the world seems far away. Yet, it is that same attitude that will be our undoing. we must face fact, terrorism found a hidey hole in Lubbock, Texas. If that can happen, what else is possible? It is the height of arrorgance to think we are somehow above it all, and the height of folley to ignore the obvious, in the face of fact.  

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It happened a few nights ago. I was tested. As I was sitting at the computer desk, about five a.m., the power browned out, immediately my hackles raised. The power came back on, only to brown out several more times, and go dark a few minutes later. In my little computer closet, at the dark end of the house, with little warning, I was in the dark. To my surprise, my training took over. I had rehearsed the move many times before, closing my eyes, and trying to find the flashlight I had stashed in a corner of the desk.  I had also rehearsed the same move finding the 357magnum, but this time I needed only the flashlight. finding it, (and grabbing the 357) I checked the house just like I rehearsed. I shined the flashlight into the back yard, making sure the back yard was empty, and the back gate still locked. It was, then going to check on my still sleeping wife. yes- still sleeping, although stirring fitfully. Whispering "its okay, I'm up", she relaxed somewhat, and I went about checking the house. Finding nothing out of order, I went about my pre-arranged duties. It was then, the power came back on. I relaxed. Twice more the power browned out, and went dark. Although there was much computer work to do, and a few clocks to reset, I was satisfied. Realizing my training and preperation had paid off, I was content. Next time, who knows. Can you say the same?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Taken for granted

I was just thinking earlier, how many things we take for granted in this life of ours. For example, how different life would be without electricity. Would you know the time? No television, no computer, no fans, no night light for those middle of the night bathroom trips. Yes life would be very different. Indoor plumbing, and running water would become a luxury.
How about security. How many of us sleep well at night, knowing a police department is patroling the streets, looking for evil-doers. Life would certainly take a drastic turn without the all important microwave oven. Here is a thought, how about your spouse? How different would life be without them? In this life, nothing is permanant. As "kansas" put it, "nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky".
Look at the people around you, think of how they have enriched your life, then try to imagine a day without them. How many words have been said in anger, that really weren't that important to say? How many times might we have done something nice for them, but didn't because of one reason or another? In a span of only ten years, it would be impossible to count how many ways in which someone we treasure enriches our life. Yet, words spoken in anger, hurtful deeds done, or worse yet, words not spoken, can alter our life with someone. How many good times does a angry word cost? How much trust does a hurtful deed destroy? It is, perhaps, much more important to take a longer view, to see the bigger picture, than to allow shortsidedness, or foolish pride to take those we treasure from us.
"Friends will keep you sane, love can fill your heart, a lover can warm your bed, but lonely is the soul without a mate" ...David Pratt

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly...Rose Franken

Monday, October 25, 2010

The road

The last two years have been difficult. I had gotten complacent, had become master of my own destiny, and leaving little to chance, charged forward, forgetting the most basic principles. I only walk the road, I do not decide its destination. The road goes everywhere, and the best I can do is to chose from the options given.
The road can be hard, and cold. At times it seems without friend, or familiar surroundings. Faces on the road often turn, and go their own way, with barely a passing glance. Having learned the rules of the road long ago, alone, there is no comfort to be found. Comfort is found in a companion, a kindred soul, who like ourself, has walked the road, and known its anguish, and joy. A friend with whom to share the trials life's road can bring.
The road, even speaking the name invokes a sense of melancholy, and longing. Do not cry for me when I am gone, for I am still out there somewhere deep in the night. Under a million lonely stars, with the full moon for a lover, and the highway for a friend.
I walk the road with my companion. For now there is dark forest all around, with pitfalls, and a stormy sky. Beyond the next hill, perhaps around the next bend, brighter skies, and easier times await. We forge ahead, my companion, and me. Hand in hand, we weather the storms. Sharing a secret smile, we continue, we have survived the hard times before.